Real Estate Other Circulars

  1. Uploading Guidelines issued on 31.01.2023 by the Directorate General of Audit, Indirect Taxes and Customs, New Delhi
  2. Updated Guidelines issued on 17.02.2023 in supersession of the guidelines issued earlier on 31.01.2023 by the Directorate General of Audit, Indirect Taxes and Customs, New Delhi
  3. Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967, Updates to UNSC's 1267/1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & AI-Qaida Sanctions list: 33 entries issued on 22.02.2023 by the Directorate General of Audit, Indirect Taxes and Customs, New Delhi
  4. Designation of one individual & two terrorist organisations under Sec 2(1)(m) & 35(1)(a) of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 and their listing in the first & fourth Schedule of the Act issued on 14-02-2023 by the Director General of Audit, Indirect Taxes & Customs, New Delhi
  5. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) & AI-Qaida Sanctions Committee Amends 102 Entries on Its Sanctions List- reg.
  6. Check list for Anti Money- Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) obligations checks; Terrorist financing and proliferation financing (TF/PF) checks during Audit-reg.
  7. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) & AI-Qaida Sanctions Committee Adds Two Entries on Its Sanctions List- reg.
  8. Anti Money- Laundering, Countering the Financing Of Terrorism, and Combating Proliferation Financing Guidelines for Real Estate Agents, 2023, dated 04.05.2023-reg
  9. Registration of reporting entities (real estate agents) with FIU-IND
  10. (i) Security Council 751 Sanction Committee Adds One Entry to its Sanction List- reg. (ii) Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and Al- Qaida Sanctions Committee removes Two entries from its Sanctions List- reg. (iii) Security Council ISIL(Da'esh) and AI- Qaida Sanctions Committee Amends One entry to its Sanctions List- reg.
  11. (i) Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends 16 entries on its Sanction list-reg
  12. Security Council ISIL(Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Amends Two Entries on its Sanction list-reg.
  13. Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends Nine entries on Its Sanction list -reg.
  14. Implementation of Section 12A of weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005: Designated List ( Amendments)-reg.
  15. Security Council 1533 Sanctions Committee adds two entries on Its Sanction list-reg.
  16. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and AI Qaida Sanctions Committee Amends Five Entries to its Sanction list- reg.
  17. Security Council 1970 Sanctions Committee amends five entries on Its Sanction list- reg.
  18. Security Council 2653 Sanctions Committee adds four entries on its Sanction list- reg.
  19. Updated Guidelines on Anti- Money laundering standards and Countering the financing of Terrorism and combating Proliferation financing of Terrorism and Combating Proliferation Financing obligation for Real Estate Agents under PMLA, 2002 UAPA, 1967 and WMDA, 2005, dated 29-11-2023- reg.
  20. Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee amends two entries on Its Sanction list-reg.
  21. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee amends seven entries on Its Sanction list-reg.
  22. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and Al- Qaida Sanctions Committee amends fourteen entries on Its Sanction list-reg.
  23. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and Al- Qaida Sanctions Committee Amends 85 Entries on Its Sanction list-reg.
  24. Security Council 1533 Sanctions Committee Adds Six Entries on Its Sanction list.
  25. Implementation of Section 51 A of UAPA 1967: Regarding freezing of Bank Account No. 50100089268092 and 50400047548880 in HDFC Bank, of Lakhbir Singh under Section 51A UA(P) Act'1967-reg.
  26. Implementation of Section 12 A of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery System (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005: Designated list (Amendments): Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends One Entry on its Sanction List- reg.
  27. Designation of an individual under section 35(2) & (1a) of the unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 and their listing in the Fourth Schedule of the Act-reg.
  28. Implementation of Section 51 A of UAPA' 1967: Regarding freezing of Paytm Payment Account (Customer ID 96076454) in Paytm Payment Bank, of Ashaq Ahmad Nengroo under Section 51 A UA(P) Act' 1967-reg.
  29. Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends One Entry to its Sanction list-reg.
  30. Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends One Entry to Its Sanction list- reg.
  31. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee amends one Entry on Its Sanction list- reg.
  32. Security Council Al-Shabaab Sanctions Committee Adds Three Entries to Its Sanction list-reg.
  33. Security Council 2140 Sanctions Committee removes two entries from Its Sanction list- reg.
  34. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and AL-Qaida Sanctions Committee Removes one entries to its Sanctions List- reg.
  35. Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends One Entry on its Sanctions List-reg.
  36. Security Council 2653 Sanctions Committee adds two entries to Its Sanction list-reg.
  37. Security Council 1591 Sanctions Committee adds two entries to Its Sanction list-eg.
  38. Security Council ISIL (Da'esh), Al Qaida Sanctions Committee Amends three entries to Its Sanction list-reg.
  39. Security Council 1970 Sanctions Committee Removes one entry from Its Sanction list-reg.
  40. Security Council ISIL(Da'esh) and AI-Qaida Sanctions Committee Removes One Entry from Its Sanction list